Saturday, September 13, 2008

Broken Windows in Houston DownTown HighRise & Distruction in Historic Galveston IKE has HIT

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I watched almost all day yesterday, CNN OF COURSE. I even put a DVD in the recorder to record it for historic purposes. You know, show your grandchildren in a few years.

A few weeks ago when Gustav was coming Victor saw the wind almost blowing over one of the reporters, as I was trying to show him and his sister how important these sorts of things are to the people in the storms path is, and he said, "OH MY GOSH!" Just like I did with Ernie & Nels when they were little. WE WATCHED THE NEWS EVERY DAY!

I remember when the earthquake in Mexico City occurred, must have been in the late 80's, and we didn't have cable for 3 weeks, waiting them them to hook it up after we moved on Littlerock Rd, down by Isreal Rd. We didn't find out for four days, and the boys wanted to collect cans of food for the people there.

We were ALWAYS a news oriented family. I remember watching the news and weather with my Grandpa Peter when I was about 3 or 4 years old. I'd also watch boxing with him, and my parents were Univ of Washington alumni and had season tickets to the Husky football games. My mom was sick A LOT so "I" got to go with my dad!!!!

Back to storms & hurricanes. My parents went to a Husky game in Portland with their friends Jerry Farrell, a Seattle Police Lt, and Veretta in their convertible when I was about 3rd grade, I'd say, and they kept calling my Grandpa Peter & Grandma Edith's were we were; Mark, my 2 1/2 yr younger brother, and me & Grandma & Grandpa and m y mom kept telling us to stay in the basement away from the windows. YEAH, and she's driving to a football game in a convertible! I remember HUGE HUGE trees along Lake Washington Boulevard blown down. I know one of the BIG hurricanes I lived threw was referred to as the Columbus Day Storm. I don't think this was that one though, cause this one was in Nov., and Columbus Day is in April, or Spring at least, I think.

I'm still praying for EVERYONE in the storm's path. Having lost my son four years ago, I KNOW that grieving for someone THAT CLOSE goes on forever.

"Please God, give strength to those in harm's way, put your arms around them and get them through this. Please God, give strength to those giving assistance to those in harm's way and keep them safe. ERNIE you are a STRONG PERSON/ANGEL help them all for mom!

In God's name I pray, AMEN."