Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm Not Real Happy About The Kennedy's and I'm still Sticking with Hill

YUP! I'm still sticking with the experience. I think if Obama wins, we'll have a bunch of advisers running the country. But, with Hillary, you have, like it or not, two for the price of one.

AND, the buck DOES stop there. No advisers making decisions. Have we forgotten what great shape our county was in when Bill Clinton was our President for eight years???

That's just how I feel. I think Obama is GREAT! And, if this was eight years from now, and he had two more terms in the Senate under his belt, I'd be all for him, probably have a sign in my front yard. BUT, I am sorry - Barack Obama just DOES NOT have enough experience, YET!

Why, oh why, did he make this move now? He is charismatic, and all the rest, BUT the lack of experience will force me to vote for McCain I'm afraid. I don't think I've gone to the R side on the BIGGIE, since Ford. And, I've voted in every presidential election since I was old enough to vote. My dad was Governor Dan Evans campaign chairman for the whole Seattle area. Our house was this BIG mess of campaign literature, even me and my 80+ yr old Grandma went out
door-to-door for good ol' Dan. So, you see I've had politics in my blood from WAY BACK!

Back to John McCain. He's far enough left for me. I think, I could live with him. Anything would be better than what we've got, RIGHT? I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

I just think with terrorism, the war, and ALL our issues at home, health care, seniors, environmental and don't forget the economy OMG! Sure glad I'm retired! Comfy in my bed writing a couple books and THIS of course. Life is OK.. my grief is settling and right now I'm, "Snug as a bug in a rug" - POOR, but SNUG!