Sunday, January 27, 2008

New - The First 48 Quote

"God gives people choices. Some people don't do so well in the choices they make. He's just going to have to pay. He made a bad choice and he's going to pay with the rest of his life" Sgt Connie Justice, Memphis Homicide.

She was speaking on the young man who had just confessed, or should I say, half-a**ed confessed, to robbing a 7-11 type store. He shot and killed the one clerk and would have killed the other clerk, but the gun jammed. The store had video tape and the WHOLE thing was video and audio taped. We could see and hear him doing everything, including yelling at the second clerk to open the drawer, and the clerk telling him, "You just shot that guy for a f***ing $30."

Now, he's going to prison for the rest of his life.