Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Didn't take long, MY BIG Bitch lately: REV WRIGHT

I'm going to AGAIN say, BEFORE Sen OBAMA even gives his explanation speech today, because I know he's a very good orator, and will probably do pretty good job trying to explain this away. Until I see EVIDENCE that this Rev IS a preacher of love of ALL and not just people of color, then YUK, YUK, YUK!!! And, YUK some more!

Why didn't he get FAR AWAY from that church's beliefs a LONG time ago. They gave an award to Louis Farrakham for goodness sake. That HAD TO HAVE BEEN a RED FLAG to him, ESPECIALLY if he was going to run for President.

Now that this REV WRIGHT crap has come out, he's playing INNOCENT and running like hell. AND, I for one, am NOT BUYING IT!!

Like I said before I did my homework a YEAR ago, as I really wanted to support Sen Obama. BUT - not enough WASHINGTON experience, wishy-washy, back-and-forth voting in Illinois (vote one way, see how it pans out, then change his vote at the last minute- I have relatives there), absent from his duties, NO foriegn affairs experience outsde of his committee appointment since he's been a Sen.

And, what exactly is he saying he's going to change, except who's in the White House. If he's elected we'll have a bunch of advisors, like ROVE running the Country again. PLEASE!

Let OBAMA show us some of Rev Wright's sermons where he preaches neighborly love amongst all races, then I may calm down a bit.

But, right now, I am JUST APPAULED!