Monday, March 24, 2008

Sen. Obama did not answer in his speech

Sen Obama has gifts and I now believe after hearing his speech, that his gifts will be best served helping this country work on the issues of racism, maybe a Secretary of Humanity can be set up. There are too many more pressing issues facing the Commander in Chief on a daily basis.

I thought Sen. Obama gave a GREAT speech. Probably one of the best I've heard since Teddy Kennedy's at the 1980 Democratic Convention, and one Jesse Jackson gave here that I was in the third row to see and hear. Holy Cow.... Breath Taking!

Thus, I now believe his job in this country should be to work on RACE RELATIONS. He would be GREAT at that. Like the new Rev Martin Luther King Jr.

What Sen. Obama did not answer in his speech was why he continued to attend that church!

He admitted that he had sat in Rev Wright’s church when he had made VERY controversial comments. If I was sitting there alone, and especially if my children had been with me in a church, or anywhere else for that matter, and someone said the things that I have heard Rev. Wright say, I would get them out of there so quick your head would spin and I would NEVER GO BACK!

I know that if Sen. Clinton sat in a church for ONE year that spoke of blacks, the way Rev. Wright has spoken of whites; she would no more be in this campaign than the man in the moon.

LAST WORD. Is this country READY for a BLACK President? Yes.

But, I do not think that after this it can be Sen. Obama. I just do not believe him when he says that Rev Wright has NEVER spoken these words to him in private. If Rev Wright is his mentor, it just doesn’t fly that Rev. Wright would choose only the pulpit the spew these words of hatred. I just do not buy it.

I did my homework over a year ago, as I really WANTED to support Sen. Obama, BUT for numerous reasons, just the least to mention, not enough experience, that we so desperately need in this day and age. (We older folks know that, that's why Hillary has the older vote.) Now this. The Republicans will eat this up in the General Election. You mark my words.

I decided to support Sen. Hillary Clinton a long time ago. So much so, that for the first time in my life, I am financially supporting a political campaign, even if they are small contributions.

Let Colin Powell run for President, and I’ll VOLUNTEER my time to be his campaign manager!!!