Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Fires in Florida are REALLY BAD

I'm going to check it all out, but I heard that they're even haveing to move prisoners somewhere around Miami. The news video I saw was really scary, looked like wind blown grass fires in a night-shot. SCARY!

Having been in the fire business for 10-years I know how dangerous fighting these fires can be, and how much manpower, in all areas it takes to put these things out.

When a fire would be declared a "PROJECT" we'd go. We would basically set up a tiny TOWN in a matter of hours. An inmate forestry camp would be called out as our "KITCHEN" and they would prepare all the meals, and many teams of inmates would also come out to FIGHT the fire. Each team would be comprised of about 10 inmates and their DOC supervisor and a DNR (Washington State Dept of Natural Resources [my agency]) would direct their work on the fire line. They'd have there own little red truck, that DNR would keep running with our former COMPOUND (an old Korean War compound where truck were maintained, fabricated, painted, fire supplies kept and distributed, stuff like that) I went to MANY a fire from there. It's now were I go to Costco almost every day.

My division and boss was the overseer of that Compound, so not only did I utilize the compound I was also responsible for making sure the place ran smooth and that all the EMPLOYEES WERE HAPPY for about eight years. My boss was a retired 30 yr Colonel from the Army Corps of Engineers. A GREAT GREAT guy. A VERY DETAILED boss, and a GREAT person to teach me everything I needed to know to start and run a nonprofit. I was his right-hand "man/woman", Oh gosh, don't get me going on THAT ISSUE...

Hey, I sleep in a 10-man tent. Give me a BREAK!! I hate it when people get all dumb about the man/woman/person thing. You're not a fishermen, you're a fisher. Sounds like a pimple. WHO CARES! Do you girls get mad if a person walks in the room and says, "Hey you guys, what's up?"