Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Substance or Style

Geez.... Obama is really cleaning up. I was surprised to see the spread in Wisconsin. 59%-41% BUT, here in Washington, even though he had a huge spread in the caucuses, he's barely winning in the primary.

Oh my.....

I was especially incensed about the copying of the speech thing this week. I'm mean word for word, even the pauses. OMG! Pretty embarrassing, if nothing else for the great orator!

The ol' glass ceiling is bumping Hillary right in the top of the head! I just wonder if the right wing will well up like they did last time, and say no black president for us! I mean he has NO experience! Mr. Obama had ONE YEAR of Washington experience when he started his run for the presidency.

What exactly is he planning to change. He just says he going to change things. I've heard some pundits say that whichever candidate that gets the "change" word in their campaign first is the one to prosper.

We have a Constitution, and the House and Senate that laws have to go through, so the President can't go in there and change too much of anything, REALLY. I'm old, I mean, I've been involved in politics my WHOLE LIFE. I've seen this guy come, and this guy go. They all say they're going to "change" things. But, after a year or two the constituents get dismayed and then the other party gets back seats in the Senate and House, and things switch back and forth like a roller-coaster. That's the way it is.

I guess we’ll see what happens in Ohio and Texas. I just don’t know if I’ll bend and vote for Obama or not. I haven’t voted Republican since Ford. I sort of like McCain. He’s a liberal Republican, so he may be someone I could live with.

I so HATE the Bushes. I have always thought George II was a total loser, not qualified AT ALL to be a President. Halliburton, the Saudi connection, it’s all so despicable.