Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SUPER Tuesday Whew! Hillary

New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts (sorry Teddy, I guess your constituents aren't listening to you), and YEAH, California to boot! I just sent another $5. I'm poor don't forget! The states that were important 'we' won. Listen to me, as if I'm part of the team. Well, I'm sending money, I guess I am.

I mean, every state is important, but California was/is HUGE! Double digits no less, Hill! Not to mention NY, NJ; geez - I could go on-and-on...

I turned the channel to watch The Wire (everybody up on The Wire?), I was so distressed, thinking with early results that Mr. Obama was sweeping. I mean, I like the guy and all, but it's just pissed me off SO MUCH, that Miss Oprah had put her two cents in to this. I just feel that she has TOO Much power to be wielding it around. Most of the time I don't think it matters one iota what a star does with their, 'I'm backing this person,' or 'I'm backing that person,' BUT, in Oprah's case I feel` she just has too much power and she should keep her opinions to herself in the political arena. It's not that she didn't support the 'woman' per say, just that she shouldn't support ANYONE. People should support someone for reasons that make sense, not because OPRAH said. YUK! If Oprah said to jump off a bridge would you? We don't all have the same needs as Oprah, live in the same state, live the same life; it's just crazy to back someone because a star says to. NO WAY!

Not to mention that's probably where the Kennedy backing came from. Maria Shriver and Oprah are BEST FRIENDS from before Oprah was even famous. You know she's been on the phone with Maria since who knows when and Maria's been on the phone with Teddy & Caroline. Obama says he's been courting Teddy, but believe me, that endorsement came from Oprah's friend Maria, 'cause Oprah has a self-proclaimed "crush" on Obama.

I admit he's a good speaker, and he's, what is the word........ charismatic. However, all these young people think change will come instantly. I'm old, 54, and I've seen this politician come and this politician go. I know that once he becomes President, it's the same-'ol-same-'ol. You can't change the constitution! You can't change the system! There's the Senate and Congress to deal with! Two years from now, the Republicans would have a hey day and probably win back the Senate because it's the same-ol-same-ol! That's the way it goes. And, all those young people's political ideologies would be down the toilet.

Well, I'll get off my soapbox for now. I'm a happy camper this morning. It could be better, but with what we had to work with, WE DID GREAT!!! GREAT J.O.B. Hillary.

And, a big thank you to David Letterman! Hillary did great and looked great. I've watched it twice already.

And, on to another big subject in my life - SPORTS. I loved the fact that in his monologue Letterman talked about getting up during the game to give Belichick the finger every time they showed him. The nerve of him leaving the field before the FINAL second had ticked off. What a BAD SPORT!!! AND, cheater to boot!!! I'm also not so hip on guys leaving pregnant girlfriends! At least wait until after the baby's arrived to move in with your super-model girlfriend you jerk!

Not to mention the fact that I have a dog named Eli, who's named after Ernie actually (Ernest Lee Ivery). He's a 2 yrs old Jack Russell and Lily's son from her first litter. (Lily's in the GREAT picture w/Ernie) Well, since we had an Eli, we named one of the current litter's puppies Peyton, as I have a BIG crush on Mr. Peyton Manning. So, you know I was rooting for the Giants. I just LOVE Peyton's commercials; great sense of humor. I love a guy who can laugh at himself. Now, Eli can get some of those endorsement dollars!