Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just thinkin' Bout Ernie This Morning...

I'm doing my usual morning "crusin..." on the laptop. I go over to check out Kanye's Blog. He's always got cool artwork, and especially since he posted my comment from April 14, I kinda feel a kinship (corny huh, but oh well). I'm a "mom," you guys who know me, know I'm a mom to EVERYBODY who's younger than me...

Anyway, he's got this Post of these COOL windows that transform into little balconies, and he mentions in the post title that he doesn't like heights. So, I leave a comment on how cool the windows were, and that 'E' didn't like heights either.

I exit, and go down to his next post and there's some kind of metal (I got out of there so fast I can't remember) grey bean bag chair by a guy name Rick Ivery.

I almost choked. That is my son's last name. Two posts in a row that have something to do with my boy, and his LAST NAME, spelled just like it. That was just too weird for me.

I left a comment to get me some info on the guy, and that he was weirding me out, and I was leaving his blog right RIGHT THEN!!!

Then, not two minutes later, the little four-year old who's spending the night with his six-year old sister (their mom was living at my home for young moms when the six-year old was born and they've become like my GRANDKIDS (I'm Auntie D*****)

ANYWAY.... V came out and said, "I want to watch Mr. Kanye West with his glasses." (so cute, he's only 4. At least he knows his first name now. The other day he wanted to come and watch the video, we were in the car, and he kept saying, "I want to go see Mr. West." LOL right now!!!

You see I have the Grammys Tivo'd and because ever since Graduation came out, that and Back to Black are about all I listen to in my car. Whenever I pick up L. (OH YES, I'm supposed to tell everybody that I DON'T babysit her, she is my "partner" and we hang out. She is not a baby!), but when I pick them up they (V. 4 & L. 6) get in the car the first thing they say is, "Can we hear the Good Morning song?" Every once in a while they like to listen to Ernie too.

So, we put on the Grammys. When Kanye started doing Mama that did it for me TEARS TEARS TEARS............................ and I decided to write this post :( d