Monday, April 28, 2008

My Thoughts

I thought Rev Wright seemed like a very educated, well read, full of himself and SMART-A** pastor. Standing up there laughing, wiggling around laughing at friends here and there like this isn't an important issue, it was insulting to me. Like, us white folks aren't in on the joke. At least Sen Obama came at it with a LOT of CLASS!

Nobody, as far as I'm concerned, is coming after the Black Church as a whole, you dummy. This seems to be some sort of stategy he's come up with to offset the back-lash he's gotten from the sound-bites Obama issue.

'I'm coming out of my silence now because it's like they're talkin' bout my mamma now!'

First thing, the Church ain't your mama, and second, ain't nobody talkin' 'bout her...